Depending on a product's availability in our inventory, it may take us 1 to 10 business days to ship an item. Pieces available will usually be shipped in 1-3 business days and pieces that are not available will me made-to-order in a maximum of 10 business days.
All orders regardless of their total qualify for Free Shipping within continental United States. You may opt to choose a faster shipping method, if available, at a further cost.
All shipments will be delivered with Signature Confirmation. If there's no adult available to receive the order at the shipping address, the carrier may not deliver and leave a notification slip with pick-up instructions.
Bixlers™ insures all deliveries against loss / damage during shipment. Bixlers™ shipping responsibility ends as soon as the parcel is delivered and signed for at the shipping address. In case of non-shipping related matters, your piece may still be under Bixlers™ Lifetime Warranty.